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26 October 2022

Statutory declaration


A week ago today, a pair of foundation stones were unveiled amidst the demolition site that Salisbury Square has become. Brandon Lewis, the then secretary of state for justice and Lord Chancellor (he stepped down from both roles yesterday, rather ironically) and HMCTS chief executive Nick Goodwin did the honours even though one of the inscribed slabs was for the new police building and constabularies come under the Home Office. Such onlookers as there were, limited to press and selected staff, it seems, were promised "a shining beacon, setting the direction of our justice system" come completion in 2026.

The entire site is now hoarded, making the initial steps toward that laudable goal and the ceremony itself rather redundant as far as public visibilty is concerned but at least tradition is being observed. 


Chris Rogers  |  Writer on architecture and visual culture

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